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J Exerc Rehabil > Volume 9(6);2013 > Article
Kim: The Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation starts as the international journal
The Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation is listed in the PubMed Central, few months after changing to English journal. This means that the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation is crowned as the international journal.
The Korean Society of Exercise Rehabilitation, founded 2004, has encouraged academic communication for the integrative health promotion in the social, mental, and physical areas. The Korean Society of Exercise Rehabilitation aims to contribute to the promotion of health, the prevention of disease, the overcome of disability, and the establishment of a welfare system.
The Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation is the comprehensive vehicle for the aim of the Korean Society of Exercise Rehabilitation. The Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation contains following 6 sections: 1) basic research on exercise rehabilitation, 2) clinical research on exercise rehabilitation, 3) exercise rehabilitation pedagogy, 4) exercise rehabilitation education, 5) exercise rehabilitation psychology, and 6) exercise rehabilitation welfare.
As the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation is listed in the PubMed Central, the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation can lead to the multi-national and multi-centered research for the exercise rehabilitation. I believe that the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation will stand as the leading journal in the scope of exercise and rehabilitation.
I would like to give many thanks to those who gave assistance.

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