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Dietary nutrient intake of Korean adolescent distance runners
Sun-Hyo Kim, Chang-Suk Oh, Jae-Hyun Lee
J Exerc Rehabil. 2019;15(6):781-786.   Published online December 31, 2019
                          Web of Science 4  Crossref 5

Running economy - a comprehensive review for passive force generation
Christos Ziliaskoudis, Song-Young Park, Sang-Ho Lee
J Exerc Rehabil. 2019;15(5):640-646.   Published online October 28, 2019
                          Web of Science 6  Crossref 5

‘Mini-interval gait’ switching: understanding the positive implications of a novel training regime
James L. Croft, John E. A. Bertram
J Exerc Rehabil. 2019;15(3):351-357.   Published online June 26, 2019

Exercise training regulates angiogenic gene expression in white adipose tissue
Hyuek Jong Lee
J Exerc Rehabil. 2018;14(1):16-23.   Published online February 26, 2018
                          Web of Science 10  Crossref 10

The RunSmart training program: effect on oxygen consumption and lower extremity biomechanics during running
Jennifer Bogulski, Steven Gonser, Doug Bush, Raechel Bugner, Lindsay Clark, Lisa Farrell, Kristen Swanson, Michael David Ross
J Exerc Rehabil. 2017;13(4):446-453.   Published online August 29, 2017
                          Crossref 1
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