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The effect of kinesio taping on joint range of motion and balance in total knee replacement patients
Seung-heon Song, Su-Kyoung Lee, Su-Hong Ahn
J Exerc Rehabil. 2024;20(4):131-136.   Published online August 26, 2024
                          Crossref 2

Immediate effects of a vibrating foam roller on dorsiflexion rom, balance, and gait in stroke patients: a randomized controlled trial
So-Yeong Kim, Jae-Hyun Lim, Chi-Bok Park, Byeong-Geun Kim
J Exerc Rehabil. 2024;20(2):76-82.   Published online April 26, 2024
                          Web of Science 1  Crossref 1

Neuro-orthopaedic check-up and walking in people with multiple sclerosis: toward a more specific assessment to improve rehabilitation results
Yoshimasa Sagawa, Coline Guilhendou, Thierry Moulin, Antonio Vinicius Soares, Pierre Decavel
J Exerc Rehabil. 2024;20(2):65-75.   Published online April 26, 2024

Effects of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and both sides up ball exercise on pain level, range of motion, muscle function after total knee arthroplasty
Keon-Ju Park, Tae-Beom Seo, Young-Pyo Kim
J Exerc Rehabil. 2024;20(1):17-23.   Published online February 21, 2024
                          Web of Science 2  Crossref 3

The influence of mat Pilates training adherence on strength and flexibility parameters in breast cancer survivors undergoing hormone therapy
Josefina Bertoli, Ewertton de Souza Bezerra, Sueyla Ferreira da Silva dos Santos, Luis Alberto Gobbo, Ismael Forte Freitas Júnior
J Exerc Rehabil. 2022;18(4):272-283.   Published online August 26, 2022
                          Web of Science 2  Crossref 3

Effectiveness of elongation band exercise on the upper limb strength and range of motion among older adults
Minjoon Kim, Hironobu Kuruma, Chirathip Thawisuk
J Exerc Rehabil. 2022;18(2):110-116.   Published online April 26, 2022
                          Web of Science 4  Crossref 5

Effect of aqua walking exercise on knee joint angles, muscular strength, and visual analogue scale for patients with limited range of motion of the knee
Soon-Sil Yang, Tae-Beom Seo, Young-Pyo Kim
J Exerc Rehabil. 2021;17(4):265-269.   Published online August 23, 2021
                          Web of Science 4  Crossref 6

Effect of vibration foam rolling on the range of motion in healthy adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Se-Ju Park, So-In Lee, Ho-Jin Jeong, Byeong-Geun Kim
J Exerc Rehabil. 2021;17(4):226-233.   Published online August 23, 2021
                          Web of Science 15  Crossref 19

The effect of limitation of joint motion range due to ankle taping on the evaluation of functional motion of high school Judo athletes
Won-Jin Kim, Tae-Beom Seo, Jong-Baek Lee
J Exerc Rehabil. 2021;17(3):175-183.   Published online June 28, 2021
                          Web of Science 3  Crossref 3

The effects of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization rehabilitation exercise on range of motion, isokinetic strength, and balance in chronic ankle instability taekwondo players
Jong-Hoon Park, Hyun-Seung Rhyu, Soung-Yob Rhi
J Exerc Rehabil. 2020;16(6):516-521.   Published online December 28, 2020
                          Web of Science 7  Crossref 16

Comparison of ground reaction force during gait between the nonparetic side in hemiparetic patients and the dominant side in healthy subjects
Dae-Hee Lee, Woo-Nam Chang, Hye-Joo Jeon
J Exerc Rehabil. 2020;16(4):344-350.   Published online August 25, 2020
                          Crossref 4

Effects of talus stabilization taping versus ankle kinesio taping in patients with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial
Donghwan Park, Kang-Seong Lee
J Exerc Rehabil. 2019;15(6):775-780.   Published online December 31, 2019
                          Web of Science 3  Crossref 6

Effects of kinesiotape on pain, range of motion, and functional status in patients with osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial
Maryam Abolhasani, Farzin Halabchi, Roshanak Honarpishe, Joshua A. Cleland, Azadeh Hakakzadeh
J Exerc Rehabil. 2019;15(4):603-609.   Published online August 28, 2019
Correction in: J Exerc Rehabil 2019;15(5):736
                          Web of Science 9  Crossref 11

The effect of a Janda-based stretching program range of motion, muscular strength, and pain in middle-aged women with self-reported muscular skeletal symptoms
Ji-Eun Kim, Tae-Beom Seo, Young-Pyo Kim
J Exerc Rehabil. 2019;15(1):123-128.   Published online February 25, 2019
                          Web of Science 2  Crossref 3

Relationship between ankle range of motion and Biodex Balance System in females and males
Eun-Sook Sung, Jung-Hyun Kim
J Exerc Rehabil. 2018;14(1):133-137.   Published online February 26, 2018
                          Web of Science 8  Crossref 3

Correlations among visual analogue scale, neck disability index, shoulder joint range of motion, and muscle strength in young women with forward head posture
Young Jun Shin, Won Hyo Kim, Seong Gil Kim
J Exerc Rehabil. 2017;13(4):413-417.   Published online August 29, 2017
                          Web of Science 23  Crossref 27

Therapeutic effectiveness of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization for soft tissue injury: mechanisms and practical application
Jooyoung Kim, Dong Jun Sung, Joohyung Lee
J Exerc Rehabil. 2017;13(1):12-22.   Published online February 27, 2017
                          Web of Science 66  Crossref 73

Spinal alignment, mobility of the hip and thoracic spine and prevalence of low back pain in young elite cross-country skiers
Marie Alricsson, Glenn Björklund, Martin Cronholm, Oscar Olsson, Peter Viklund, Ulla Svantesson
J Exerc Rehabil. 2016;12(1):21-28.   Published online February 23, 2016
                          Web of Science 15  Crossref 13

Effects of the combined PNF and deep breathing exercises on the ROM and the VAS score of a frozen shoulder patient: Single case study
Byung-Ki Lee
J Exerc Rehabil. 2015;11(5):276-281.   Published online October 28, 2015
                          Web of Science 7  Crossref 9

The effects of horseback riding participation on the muscle tone and range of motion for children with spastic cerebral palsy
Kwang Baik, Jung-Kyun Byeun, Jae-Keun Baek
J Exerc Rehabil. 2014;10(5):265-270.   Published online October 31, 2014
                    Web of Science 15  Crossref 16
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