Review Article
Potential implications of blood flow restriction exercise on patients with chronic kidney disease: a brief review
Nicholas Rolnick, Ivo Vieira de Sousa Neto, Eduardo Fernandes da Fonseca, Rodrigo Vanerson Passos Neves, Thiago dos Santos Rosa, Dahan da Cunha Nascimento
J Exerc Rehabil. 2022;18(2):81-95. Published online April 26, 2022
Original Article
Comparison of field- and laboratory-based estimates of muscle quality index between octogenarians and young older adults: an observational study
Dahan da Cunha Nascimento, Jonato Prestes, Joyce de Sousa Diniz, Pedro Rodrigues Beal, Vicente Paulo Alves, Whitley Stone, Fabiani Lage Rodrigues Beal
J Exerc Rehabil. 2020;16(5):458-466. Published online October 27, 2020